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Directions to St. Brigid's Church, Killester

The Church is located on Howth Road, Killester, Dublin 5

D05 P983

Map Coordinates
53.37538441117748, -6.1967895163586855

By Public Transport
Dublin Bus:  Nos. 29A, 31, 31B, 32, 32A, 32B and 42A  stop near the Church.

The nearest DART Station is Killester, which is about 5 minutes walk away.
When exiting the DART Station, turn right, then left to reach the Howth Road.
Turn left on to Howth Road, and the Church is a few hundred metres ahead on the left.
The LUAS Red Line links up with Connolly Station and the DART Northbound service.

By Car 
From City centre, coming through Fairview, turn left on to the Howth Road.
Continue on, passing under the railway bridge, and proceed for 1 mile to reach Killester Shopping Centre (The Beachcomber Pub) on the right.
Continue along the  Howth Road which turns left,  on past TOPAZ  Service Station  on the  right, and the Church is ahead on the left.


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